
Sunday, 16 October 2016

Donald Trump will win the Elections

Last night a friend claimed that Donald Trump wouldn’t make a good president; he is brash, he is racist, he is a loud mouth; you know the normal things people learn to recite after being programmed by television new.
The one I loved was that, “Trump is arrogant.” My friend questioned if one man could make “that much difference in the world today.” To my friend's credit, she was respectful enough to let me respond when she asked, “Really, what has Trump done?

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

How Donald Trump thumped Hillary Clinton

The USA presidential debate exposed Hillary Clinton's naivety on what will make America great again. The debate also exposed her as a vindictive person that feeds on lies to get to were she wants to go. Thus, she came across like a malicious social worker that destroys a family. Today at White Plains,New york she continues to tell lies, that Mr Donald Trump was sexist last night.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Most Black Youth Support Donald Trump

When you over indulge in mainstream media, you're left to believe that the Afro American Community will not vote Mr Donald Trump for USA Presidency. The mainstream Propagandists has got it very wrong, as most young people and progressive African Americans consider Mr Donald Trump a better president than Hillary Clinton as he never moves around many corners to get to the truth. However, we should also not forget the support from a section of the Afro American community, that Hillary Clinton enjoys.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

The House of Lords could delay Brexit

The House of Lords could delay Brexit and help trigger a second referendum, a Conservative peer has suggested.
Baroness Wheatcroft said peers could withhold their approval of invoking Article 50, the process which triggers a country’s exit from the EU.
In an interview with The Times, she said: “If it comes to a bill, I think the Lords might actually delay things.

a vegan diet on tchildren could land you in Jail

Parents who force a vegan diet on their children could face jail in Italy. Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party wants to see parents who feed children under 16 a vegan diet jailed for upto a year.

Monday, 8 August 2016

Donald Trump will help American Poor

Immigration moderation. 

Before any new green cards are issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employers will have to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers.

Donald Trump is very Right

Put American Workers First


Decades of disastrous trade deals and immigration policies have destroyed our middle class. Today, nearly 40% of black teenagers are unemployed. Nearly 30% of Hispanic teenagers are unemployed. For black Americans without high school diplomas, the bottom has fallen out: more than 70% were employed in 1960, compared to less than 40% in 2000.

Across the economy, the percentage of adults in the labor force has collapsed to a level not experienced in generations. As CBS news wrote in a piece entitled “America’s incredible shrinking middle class”: “If the middle-class is the economic backbone of America, then the country is developing osteoporosis.”

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