
Tuesday, 27 September 2016

How Donald Trump thumped Hillary Clinton

The USA presidential debate exposed Hillary Clinton's naivety on what will make America great again. The debate also exposed her as a vindictive person that feeds on lies to get to were she wants to go. Thus, she came across like a malicious social worker that destroys a family. Today at White Plains,New york she continues to tell lies, that Mr Donald Trump was sexist last night.
The constant use of Tax returns against Mr Donald Trump by Secretary Clinton as the most important thing, that she has to offer the American people. Exposed her as a true agent of the same corrupt political system, that has been using Taxation as a weapon to discredit hard working Americans.
That's why she flatters herself that her economic plan is the best, and has been approved by experts...So how comes the same experts never rejected NAFTA trade agreement...

Though, the moderator's tone sounded hostile towards Mr Donald Trump, it did not stop Mr Donald Trump from communicating to the deprived Americans. The debate was not about putting a Cherie on the cake and boasting how good you can decorate- as Secretary Clinton kept behaving, but cutting the cake and sharing it with the American People, of which Mr Donald Trump was able to do.

Mainstream Media ambushed

The mainstream media has never been interested in what the American people want(70%), but more preoccupied with what nonsense to feed them. The first presidential debate was watched by almost a billion people around the world, and a good number were expecting to be entertained. However, this was not the case, because it wasn't an entertainment program as the Mainstream media had wished, but a communication exercise to the American people.
How the mainstream media manipulated camera angles, to make Mr Donald Trump look small. Just look at the arrogance being shown by Hillary Clinton

The use of facts and showing empathy towards the American People by Mr Donald Trump, humiliated the mainstream media, as they wanted to see a very aggressive man towards a woman-that's how they've been selling their lies to the American people.
After  being humiliated, they-then started running around like dirty whores, that Hilary Clinton won the debate.....
How did she win the debate and how can they decide for over a Billion viewers, ??
The real winner of the debate was the American people that saw a very calm, progressive, and visionary leader, that understand their social & economic plight. Its only Mr Donald Trump that will bring prosperity and Jobs...Jobs..Jobs back to the American people.
However, Secretary Clinton's  ideas to become reality, will have to go through many doors of bureaucracy for ever......and ever... while  the American people will continue to suffer.

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